About the underrated importance of mindful communication

When you have a plant and you want to make sure that it has a good time existing in your surrounding you take care to offer an optimal habitat: enough water, nutrition, sun, and moisture, far away from little children or cats, you commit to taking care of it regularly. And the plant thrives. WhenContinue reading “About the underrated importance of mindful communication”

About the transcendental power of acceptance

One can only underestimate the impact of surrendering on one’s life. Being able to surrender is truly transcendental. Let me expand on this. I invite you to explore the thought: the only constant in life is change. For me, this is a fact. How we handle ourselves while facing the ever-present changes in our livesContinue reading “About the transcendental power of acceptance”

About the painful perks of being observant and the game of right & wrong

I consider myself to be an observant person. For a while now I have done my best to be observant in a sustainably ignorant way. Being a person who sees tiny details all around him is fantastic. It is also terribly tiring. Once you start seeing some patterns in the movement of those approximately 30Continue reading “About the painful perks of being observant and the game of right & wrong”

About the value of vulnerability.

It is a challenge for me just to write about it. It is something so obvious, yet so often ignored, postponed, and explained away. I am talking about expressing what is there, what moves in me at the moment. Not for the sake of sharing, but rather for the sake of my colleagues, my family,Continue reading “About the value of vulnerability.”